Segmentation for Web Push Notifications: Best Practices and Advanced Tips

Advanced Marketing
July 17, 2023
About the Author
Content marketer
Asiya handles all things content at PushOwl. Her passion to write has been a part of her for as long as she can remember. When she isn't working, Asiya spends time writing about culture, sci-fi, and life.

Segmentation for Web Push Notifications: Best Practices and Advanced Tips

Personalized marketing comes with its own set of rules. But, we don’t expect you to know them off the top of your head.

We’ll walk you through the best practices and advanced strategies that will help your segmented campaigns perform better.

Not sure what Segmentation is and how it works? We’ve covered the basics in this guide.

The 3 best practices for Segmentation that you need to know

1. Give context in your copy

Besides following the basic best practices when creating a web push campaign, with segmented campaigns, you should also give shoppers more context to why they are receiving this promotion. With such personalization within the copy, your shopper will feel more inclined to click.

You can see the stark difference between the two notifications below.

While the segment is the same, just mentioning why the promotion is being exclusively sent to them (like because of their past interest/purchase) will enhance the experience for shoppers and make them more receptive, when compared to a random blast to all your subscribers.

2. Use buttons to take them to specific pages

Buttons are a great way to direct your shoppers to specific pages. For example, if you have a pop-up sale in a city, link to the social media post or blog post about the pop-up and its details.

Or, if you’re giving a discount to non-buyers, add a button label that says that the discount will be automatically applied and add the shareable discount link to the button.

3. Use the data you have to analyze and optimize your strategy

Just sending out segmented campaigns won’t do. Once you’ve sent a few different kinds of personalized promotions, it’s best to analyze how these campaigns perform to understand which kind of campaign is working best for your brand.

You can then double down on converting that specific segment of subscribers and even look at new ways to market to segmented audiences that are not performing well.

Flash Sale + Segmentation: the dynamite combination for time-sensitive campaigns

Everyone runs time-sensitive sales, whether it’s for BFCM, a holiday promotion, or a clearance. For such sales, your marketing goal is to reach as many shoppers as quickly and frequently as possible.

But, you also want to make sure that you are maintaining a positive shopper experience throughout while not spamming shoppers who already bought.

You can use the Flash Sale feature along with Segmentation during your time-sensitive sale to only promote to specific subscribers. Here are 2 ways you can use these two features together:

  1. Create a segment excluding shoppers who purchased in the last x days or only including shoppers who did not purchase during the last x days (of your sale), creating urgency about your sale.
  2. Send a post-sale last chance campaign by targeting subscribers who didn’t buy during the sale period (using the static date filter).

Understanding subscriber behavior through Segmentation

Now, if you want to really fine-tune your web push strategy, you can use Segmentation to understand your subscribers better.

One way to do that is by sending out similar promotions to different segments and comparing the results to better understand which segment has the best engagement or conversion rate for a specific promotion.

For instance, a fashion brand may send a promotion about their latest product to all their subscribers and get a 4% CTR.

But, they want to understand which subscribers responded best to this promotion. So, they send out the same campaign to 3 different segments (loyal shoppers, non-buyers, and shoppers who bought similar products in the past). They may find that non-buyers have the lowest CTR for this promotion. They can then use the insights through this and other similar tests to send higher-performing segmented campaigns.

You can also send different kinds of campaigns to one specific segment (across a few weeks) to understand what they like. For instance, you can send different types of campaigns to subscribers who haven’t bought from you at all. Through this, you may find that campaigns promoting your sale or a blog post have better clicks and purchases than a product promotion.

By running such tests using Segmentation, you can clearly understand your subscribers' interests and needs and tailor your strategy to each segment.

We hope you ace your personalized marketing strategy!

Segmentation helps you personalize your marketing, understand subscribers, and provide a better shopping experience. Reach out to us through our support if you have questions or need a hand!

Here are other resources on Segmentation:

📚 Guide to Segmentation for Web Push Notifications
🛠 Segmentation Builder: How to Build a Segment
📥 How to Send a Campaign to a Segment