Recover lost sales with PushOwl
Leverage the power of PushOwl's automated abandoned cart reminders and bring back your shoppers to complete their purchases with perfectly timed and personalised alerts.
Cart Recovery Wins: The PushOwl Success Stories
PushOwl’s tried-and-true strategy in building a community of loyal shoppers
Auto-trigger sequence of cart reminders
Send a sequence of up to three cart reminders, each one uniquely designed to create a sense of urgency and motivate shoppers to checkout.
Personalise every inch of the notification
Customise the reminder notifications with personalised copy and images of the products left behind in the cart to grab shoppers’ attention.
Leverage smart delays for maximum impact
Schedule reminders to be sent at spaced out intervals to keep the shoppers engaged with the abandoned products for a longer period of time.
Deliver thoughtful recommendations
Send recommendations to your customers based on past purchases, interests etc. to build customer loyalty while driving repeat purchases from them.
Create personalised discounts on the go
Personalise and automate alerts with enticing offers to invoke a sense of urgency about products that your customer might like based on their behaviour.
Perfect your recovery strategy with insights
Dive deep into detailed insights about recovered carts, generated revenue, the performance of abandoned cart reminders, and the carts that are still awaiting completion. With PushOwl, maintaining a pulse on your recovery process becomes effortless, enabling you to fine-tune your strategy with ease and precision.
Launch successful push notification campaigns in minutes.
Segment your audience to create personalised experiences.
Automate sequence of notifications to keep converting on the go.
Designed to drive growth for Shopify stores
Smooth opt-in
Experience hassle-free engagement with PushOwl's smooth opt-in process
Cross platform delivery
Reach customers anywhere - on multiple browsers, devices, and platforms.
Seamless integrations
Add more customisation through integrations with other Shopify applications.
Automate your revenue growth with the No.1 push notification app
Join 35,000+ Shopify stores using PushOwl to convert their visitors into customers everyday.